Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Auld Times


M. Scle said...

One of my fear was to get bored since the organization made any kind of ipod like device forbidden for security reasons of being able to hear what's happening outside, but I never got bored, you're always running next to a group of people, some of them actually talk as they run, and the Silverado trail is so beautiful in a sunny morning that just looking around was a delight. Running a good hour or more next to my friend Adam helped too, we had good conversations at this pace, then Adam decided to increase his pace and I followed him for 15 minutes then gave up and came back to my pace.

Jimmy's Journal said...

Neat song!


natalie said...

Dear Johnny,
thank you so much for this song!
It is a very good one!
hugs, natalie
p.s. please come by and comment on my blog (pretty please):)