#1 My Unit Bravo Battery 1Bn/109th Fa. is going to go over to Afghanistan as what they do best, Artillery Men Knocking the hell out of Alqaeda and taliban terroists! Go get "em" boys and God Speed! #2 How does a 45 year old man die? By weighing over 300 lbs,2packs a day habit being on oxygen and having a massive heart attack. Debbies friend Jesse had passed the other day at home,his sister had found him dead. R.I.P Jesse! #3 Buy a gun and get a permit to carry! 1/2 mile from my house there was a late night shooting 1 person dies the other is arrested! #4 Note To self try to give a rats ass on turning the clocks back 1 hour tonight! And as always, thanks for listening!