Keg-Crazy Car Chase at 120 MPH
Friday September 11, 2009
Hurling a beer keg out the window during the chase.
Police say Kevin Schleicher, 21, (pictured) chucked the keg as driver Kolton Kafka, 19 led police on the three-mile chase through Marathon County, Wisconsin this week. Police said the chase was on when they tried to pull Kafka over for a broken headlight, according to the Wausau Daily Herald.
Donkey Kong must be ticked. Hurling barrels at pursuers is his game. But at least he's not in the Weird Crime Mug Shot Hall of Shame. (Drinking Tales)
Miller Lite , Tastes Great, Less Filling!
And remember........
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
And as always, thanks for listening!